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1   //, created Tue Nov  5 14:16:40 2002 by joewhaley
2   // Copyright (C) 2001-3 Godmar Back <>
3   // Licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL; see COPYING for details.
4   package joeq.Compiler.Quad;
6   import java.util.ArrayList;
7   import java.util.HashMap;
8   import java.util.Iterator;
9   import java.util.List;
10  import java.util.Map;
11  import;
12  import;
13  import;
14  import;
15  import joeq.Class.jq_Class;
16  import joeq.Class.jq_Method;
17  import joeq.Util.Templates.ListIterator;
19  /***
20   * @author Godmar Back <,> 
21   *
22   * This class is a ControlFlowGraphVisitor.
23   * For each CFG, it produces a "dot" file in the output directory. 
24   * See or change createMethodName to adapt how the filenames are formed.
25   *
26   * @see DotGraph#outputDir
27   * @see DotGraph#dotFilePrefix
28   * @see DotGraph#createMethodName(jq_Method)
29   *
30   * @version $Id: 1931 2004-09-22 22:17:47Z joewhaley $
31   */
32  public class DotGraph implements ControlFlowGraphVisitor {
34      /***
35       * The output directory for the dot graph descriptions
36       */
37      public static String outputDir = "dottedcfgs";
39      /***
40       * Prefix that goes before the name.
41       */
42      public static String dotFilePrefix = "joeq-";
44      /***
45       * Adapt this method to create filenames the way you want them.
46       */
47      protected String createMethodName(jq_Method mth) {
48          String filename = dotFilePrefix + mth.toString();
49          filename = filename.replace('/', '_');
50          filename = filename.replace(' ', '_');
51          filename = filename.replace('<', '_');
52          filename = filename.replace('>', '_');
53          filename = filename.replace('(', '_');
54          filename = filename.replace(')', '_');
56          return filename;
57      }
59      /***
60       * dot - helper class for outputting graphviz specifications for simple cfgs
61       *
62       * See
63       *
64       * Process with, for instance, "dot -Tgif -o graph.gif <inputfile>"
65       * or simply "dotgif <inputfile>"
66       *
67       * @author Godmar Back <>
68       */
69      public static class dot {
70          private static PrintWriter containedgraph = null;
71          /***
72           * The first argument specifies what directory to use for output, the
73           * second is the file name.
74           */
75          public static void openGraph(String the_outputDir, String name) {
76              try {
77                  if (the_outputDir != null)
78                      outputDir = the_outputDir;
79                  String dirname = outputDir;
80                  File d = new File(dirname);
81                  if (!d.exists()) {
82                      d.mkdir();
83                  }
84                  String dirsep = System.getProperty("file.separator");
85                  containedgraph = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(dirname
86                          + dirsep + name));
87                  containedgraph.println("digraph contained_in_graph {");
88                  containedgraph
89                          .println("\tnode[shape=box,fontname = \"Arial\", fontsize=10];");
90                  containedgraph
91                          .println("\tedge[fontname = \"Arial\", fontcolor=red, fontsize=8];");
92                  containedgraph.println("\tlabel = \"" + name + "\";");
93              } catch (IOException _) {
94                  _.printStackTrace(System.err);
95              }
96          }
97          public static void openGraph(String name) {
98              openGraph(null, name);
99          }
101         public static String escape(String from) {
102             from = from.replace('\t', ' ').trim();
103             StringBuffer fb = new StringBuffer();
104             for (int i = 0, sucspaces = 0; i < from.length(); i++) {
105                 char c = from.charAt(i);
106                 if (c == '"' || c == '//')
107                     fb.append("//" + c);
108                 else if (c == '\n')
109                     fb.append("////n");
110                 else if (c == '\r')
111                     fb.append("////r");
112                 else if (sucspaces == 0 || c != ' ')
113                     fb.append(c);
114                 if (c == ' ')
115                     sucspaces++;
116                 else
117                     sucspaces = 0;
118             }
119             return fb.toString();
120         }
122         private static void outputString(String from) {
123             containedgraph.print("\"" + escape(from) + "\"");
124         }
126         private static void labelEdge(String edge) {
127             if (edge != null) {
128                 containedgraph.print("[label=");
129                 outputString(edge);
130                 containedgraph.print(",color=red]");
131             }
132         }
134         public static void userDefined(String useroutput) {
135             if (containedgraph != null) {
136                 containedgraph.print(useroutput);
137             }
138         }
140         private static void makeCircleNode(String to) {
141             containedgraph.print("\t");
142             outputString(to);
143             containedgraph.println("[shape=circle,fontcolor=red,color=red];");
144         }
146         public static void addEntryEdge(String from, String to, String edge) {
147             if (containedgraph != null) {
148                 makeCircleNode(from);
149                 containedgraph.print("\t");
150                 outputString(from);
151                 containedgraph.print(" -> ");
152                 outputString(to);
153                 labelEdge(edge);
154                 containedgraph.println(";");
155             }
156         }
158         public static void addLeavingEdge(String from, String to, String edge) {
159             if (containedgraph != null) {
160                 makeCircleNode(to);
161                 containedgraph.print("\t");
162                 outputString(from);
163                 containedgraph.print(" -> ");
164                 outputString(to);
165                 labelEdge(edge);
166                 containedgraph.println(";");
167             }
168         }
170         public static void addEdge(String from, String to) {
171             addEdge(from, to, null);
172         }
174         public static void addEdge(String from, String to, String edge) {
175             if (containedgraph != null) {
176                 containedgraph.print("\t");
177                 outputString(from);
178                 containedgraph.print(" -> ");
179                 outputString(to);
180                 labelEdge(edge);
181                 containedgraph.println(";");
182             }
183         }
185         public static void closeGraph() {
186             containedgraph.println("}");
187             containedgraph.close();
188             containedgraph = null;
189         }
190     }
192     /***
193      * Use the dot helper class to output this cfg as a Graph.
194      */
195     public void visitCFG(ControlFlowGraph cfg) {
196         final HashMap fedge2PEIList = new HashMap();
197         try {
198             String filename = createMethodName(cfg.getMethod());
199             dot.openGraph(filename);
200             cfg.visitBasicBlocks(new BasicBlockVisitor() {
201                 public void visitBasicBlock(BasicBlock bb) {
202                     if (bb.isEntry()) {
203                         if (bb.getNumberOfSuccessors() != 1)
204                             throw new Error("entry bb has != 1 successors "
205                                     + bb.getNumberOfSuccessors());
206                         dot.addEntryEdge(bb.toString(), bb.getSuccessors()
207                                 .iterator().next().toString(), null);
208                     } else if (!bb.isExit()) {
209                         ListIterator.Quad qit = bb.iterator();
210                         StringBuffer l = new StringBuffer(" " + bb.toString()
211                                 + "//l");
212                         HashMap/* <jq_Class,List.Quad> */exceptions2PEIList = new HashMap();
213                         while (qit.hasNext()) {
214                             l.append(" ");
215                             Quad quad = qit.nextQuad();
216                             l.append(dot.escape(quad.toString()));
217                             l.append("//l");
218                             ListIterator.jq_Class exceptions = quad
219                                     .getThrownExceptions().classIterator();
220                             while (exceptions.hasNext()) {
221                                 jq_Class exc = exceptions.nextClass();
222                                 ArrayList peis = (ArrayList) exceptions2PEIList
223                                         .get(exc);
224                                 if (peis == null)
225                                     exceptions2PEIList.put(exc,
226                                             peis = new ArrayList());
227                                 peis.add(quad);
228                             }
229                         }
230                         dot.userDefined("\t" + bb.toString()
231                                 + " [shape=box,label=\"" + l + "\"];\n");
232                         ListIterator.BasicBlock bit = bb.getSuccessors()
233                                 .basicBlockIterator();
234                         while (bit.hasNext()) {
235                             BasicBlock nextbb = bit.nextBasicBlock();
236                             if (nextbb.isExit()) {
237                                 dot.addLeavingEdge(bb.toString(), nextbb
238                                         .toString(), null);
239                             } else {
240                                 dot.addEdge(bb.toString(), nextbb.toString());
241                             }
242                         }
243                         Iterator eit = exceptions2PEIList.entrySet().iterator();
244                         while (eit.hasNext()) {
245                             Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
246                             jq_Class exc = (jq_Class) e.getKey();
247                             List/* <Quad> */thisPeiList = (List) e.getValue();
248                             ListIterator.ExceptionHandler mayCatch;
249                             mayCatch = bb.getExceptionHandlers().mayCatch(exc)
250                                     .exceptionHandlerIterator();
251                             while (mayCatch.hasNext()) {
252                                 ExceptionHandler exceptionHandler = mayCatch
253                                         .nextExceptionHandler();
254                                 BasicBlock nextbb = exceptionHandler.getEntry();
255                                 FactoredEdge fe = new FactoredEdge(bb, nextbb,
256                                         exceptionHandler.getExceptionType());
257                                 List factoredPeiList = (List) fedge2PEIList
258                                         .get(fe);
259                                 if (factoredPeiList == null) {
260                                     fedge2PEIList.put(fe,
261                                             factoredPeiList = new ArrayList());
262                                 }
263                                 factoredPeiList.addAll(thisPeiList);
264                                 // dot.addEdge(bb.toString(),
265                                 // nextbb.toString(), peis +
266                                 // exceptionHandler.getExceptionType().toString());
267                             }
268                             // if (bb.getExceptionHandlers().mustCatch(exc) ==
269                             // null) { }
270                         }
271                     }
272                 }
273             });
274         } finally {
275             Iterator fedges = fedge2PEIList.entrySet().iterator();
276             while (fedges.hasNext()) {
277                 Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
278                 FactoredEdge fe = (FactoredEdge) e.getKey();
279                 List factoredPeiList = (List) e.getValue();
280                 String peis = "[" + ((Quad) factoredPeiList.get(0)).getID();
281                 for (int i = 1; i < factoredPeiList.size(); i++) {
282                     peis += ", " + ((Quad) factoredPeiList.get(i)).getID();
283                 }
284                 peis += "] ";
285                 dot.addEdge(fe.from.toString(),, peis
286                         + fe.exception);
287             }
288             dot.closeGraph();
289         }
290     }
292     class FactoredEdge {
293         BasicBlock from, to;
294         jq_Class exception;
295         FactoredEdge(BasicBlock from, BasicBlock to, jq_Class exception) {
296             this.from = from;
297    = to;
298             this.exception = exception;
299         }
300         public boolean equals(Object that) {
301             return equals((FactoredEdge) that);
302         }
303         public int hashCode() {
304             return from.hashCode() ^ to.hashCode();
305         }
306         public boolean equals(FactoredEdge that) {
307             return this.from.equals(that.from) &&
308                     && this.exception.equals(that.exception);
309         }
310     }
311 }